WordPress Work

Thursday Market

Build a social platform on WordPress they say. Don’t use BuddyPress they say. It shall be done, I say. This project was quite a challenge. Most of the user setup is pulled from Graph calls to Facebook’s API.


Quite a fun project was CREDC. There were many challenges on this site from the custom built Javascript toggling slider on the homepage to the events section. All of these challenges were compounded by the site being fully responsive.

Responsive web development CREDC

Lane PR

This was one of the more challenging WordPress builds I have done. One of the main challenges was getting columns that ran from the top to the bottom of their container div to play nice with the fact the site is fully responsive.

GRO Outdoor Living

GRO Outdoor Living was one of my favorite WordPress builds. There were a few challenges on this. The main challenge actually had to do with learning how WordPress enqueues and uses it’s scripts.

Website Development for GRO